Topic: Buying or Selling
SHAKESPEARE ONCE SAID, "What's in a name?" When piano making was in it's hey day in the early 1900's in the U.S. there were hundreds of different name brands (manufacturers) of pianos. Think about it, in 1910 there were no computers, no video games, no television, and radio was still a decade away. A home entertainment center consisted of a big upright piano, some sheet music and parlor games. Over the years, piano companies went the way of the railroads with smaller companies getting bought out by larger ones, many firms were merging into large conglomerates, and less profitable ones simply going out of business. By the end of the 1930s, the lion's share of piano names existed only on paper. The pianos of this era, however, tended to be made with very good materials by top-notch craftsmen, and it is amazing how many 80 - 100 year-old pianos are still in use today.